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Tag: Bloodlines Series

new year 4

Ready for some self-reflection after the abundant Christmas Holiday?

28-12-2018 Geen reacties

Download our FREE Bloodlines Family History Guide and explore your past guided by your very own ancestors



Family History Writing, Events & Bookreadings

12-03-2017 Geen reacties

Dear Bloodlines Readers,
It has been a while since you last heard from McKerley & Schippers and what goes on in the sometimes surprising world [...]



3 lovely lovely new reviews

18-10-2016 Geen reacties

The idea behind ‘Bloodlines – Touch Not The Cat’ is an intriguing one. Two threads of a story taking place a century or so apart on either side of the Atlantic are brought together in alternate chapters culminating in an absorbing mystery that has been shrouded in secrecy for generations.



A perfect mix of warmth, wit and a little eccentricity.

03-09-2016 Geen reacties

Lovely review from a Macpherson no less…
The August Winner of the ‘Share a Post or Send in a Review’ contest is a Macpherson!
Thank [...]



June 21st 2016: Bloodlines -Traces paperback available NOW!

21-06-2016 Geen reacties

New beginnings for Bloodlines-Traces on the day of Summer Stolstice, June 21st 2016
You can order your paperback copy of Bloodlines Traces here

While our [...]


Proof pic Traces

We Want Proof!

17-05-2016 Geen reacties

Yes, yes, yes, it’s here! The long awaited PROOF, Bloodlines Traces really exists has arrived!
After some confusement on both sides, Lightning Source (the [...]
