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Share a Post or Send in a Review and win a Bloodlines Mystery Novel.

08-07-2016 4 comments

We select a winner by drawing an e-mail address from the submissions sent in to

The winner receives a paperback copy of Bloodlines – Traces or Bloodlines- Touch Not the Cat, sent to an address of their choice in either Europe, U.S.A or Australia.

Share a post from our Facebook page
or send in a review of Bloodlines Touch Not the Cat or Bloodlines-Traces

Send a copy of your post- share or the text of your review to:

Every month we notify a winner by e-mail who can then choose between receiving a complimentary copy of either Bloodlines-Touch Not the Cat or Bloodlines-Traces.

Follow American homicide detective Cathy Stewart in 2011, when her ancestral family lures her from Raleigh, North Carolina to the Scottish Highlands and makes her travel back to Victorian and Edwardian times.
Edinburgh University; early 20th century New York and Chicago;  the heroic effort to save WWI soldiers from the battlefields Gallipoli;
it all comes together in the narrative of Bloodlines- Touch Not the Cat and Bloodlines-Traces.

Visit our website to download the first 4 chapters for free or take a tour of the photo gallery,behind the scenes blogs, and  reviews.



  1. tami mize 26 juli 2016 | 5:48

    Howdy. We keep a list of genealogy-related contests on our website, and I would like to include yours. When does this giveaway end? Thank you


    • mckerschip 23 augustus 2016 | 8:24

      Hi Tami,

      Thank you for your message.
      Can you sent a link from the website you host to
      We have not set an end-date to this contest yet.

      best regards,
      McKerley & Schippers


  2. Dawnis 28 juli 2016 | 19:43

    Thoroughly enjoyed reading the “Bloodlines-Touch Not The Cat” and after visiting Scotland this past May, the second read was even better. I would rate this book 4.5 out of 5 and why? I believe the sequel will be even better. Gosh, now how to get the book in Canada.
    Thank you!!
    Keep writing.


    • mckerschip 23 augustus 2016 | 8:28

      Thank you Dawnis. Scotland is wonderful country to write about.


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